YAY! The first blog post! I'm soooo excited! Well, I'd say more web satisfied LOL!
This is the poster that Im working on right now to sell at the conventions we attend. It depicts the ORIGINAL 8 characters from The Zombies Ate My Chilean from 2001.
I'm taking my time and giving it a nice painted effect. It's going to be the first out of 2 posters. The second one I'm gonna be cracking on with once this one is done we'll be the women! So it'll be a nice sexy poster!
But sadly as he didn't fit on the first poster and he's not a girl, the character Justin will be missing from the two. This got me a little down cos I wanted the entire cast in the poster collection, so I may just do a third!
Anywayz, back to all the hard work and stuff
AJ x
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